
eEhwaz Elder Futhark Rune meanings

Ehwaz is the third rune of the 3rd and final aett. The elder futhark is the oldest of the runic alphabets. It consists of 24 letters divided into 3 aetts. There are 8 runes in each aett. The third aett is called Tyr’s aett.

Ehwaz upright ~ Travel, partnership, teamwork, trust, marriage, loyalty, harmony, co-operation, marriage, vehicle, movement, adaptability, confidence.

Ehwaz reversed ~ Restlessness, frustration, and worry.

Ehwaz means Horse.

Associated deity from the mythology: Slepinir.

f fu uth,þ þa ar rk kg gw wh hn ni ij jï,ei ïp pz zs st tb be em ml lŋ ŋd do o

Ehwaz rune meaning on a rune cloth

Water ~ You are following your feelings and intuition.

Fire ~ Renewed passion in relationships.

Earth ~ A new friendship.

Air ~ Overseas travel.