Lenormand Card Combination Calculator

Lenormand card combination calculator

Lenormand is named after Mlle Le Normand, a French fortune-teller. It is not certain if she ever used the Lenormand cards herself, but after her death, her name was attached to published decks. You can learn more about Mlle Le Normand’s life here.

Lenormand Card Combination Calculator

This calculator offers Lenormand card meanings that you can pair up and see their meanings together. Always check in with your intuition when reading the Lenormand cards. This calculator offers a guide only.

How to read the Lenormand cards

Lenormand is often read in the Grand Tableau style where the cards are laid on a petit Lenormand house system to create a pair. Sometimes, a card falls in its own house. If this happens, it is extra significant, and the energy of the card is intensified.

petit lenormand house system

Learn more about the Lenormand card meanings here.