Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

five of pentacles

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


Spending more than you earn.

Difficulty paying your bills.

Experiencing hard times.

Lacking support. Suffering low energy.

Being dependent on charity.

Lack of confidence and low self-esteem.

Being out in the cold. 

Feeling unloved.


No help offered.

Feeling unloved.

Five of pentacles tarot card meanings upright

Five of pentacles tarot card meanings in a general reading

Five of Pentacles tarot card denotes hardship. You might feel you are out in the cold and there is a need to receive help and support. If this card represents the Seeker on a psychological level, there is a lack of self-belief.  Five of pentacles tarot card often shows up when the Seeker feels they have to prove their worth in some way. 

Five of pentacles in the Vision Quest

Five of pentacles speaks of the Seeker seeing where they feel unworthy and helpless. This is symbolised by the two people being out in the cold harsh weather, outside the church the Seeker was inside and top of in three of pentacles and four of pentacles. The building is a symbol of the Seeker’s mind in the vision quest.

Five of pentacles in a love reading

In a love reading, Five of pentacles tarot card can denote the Seeker feels unloved. The Seeker could struggle with lack of self-belief in regards to relationships. They could find it hard to communicate their needs.

Five of pentacles in  a career reading

In a work situation, Five of pentacles can mean the Seeker feels unsupported in their role. Five of pentacles sometimes denotes working for charities and social work. They often feel alone at work and they sometimes end up supporting their co-workers the way they need support themselves.

Five of pentacles as Feelings

Five of pentacles as feelings denote the Seeker feeling low in self-esteem. The seeker could be feeling very unloved and almost invisible. They could feel like no one cares or understands them.

Five of pentacles as Personality types

Five of pentacles tarot card is someone who feels like an outsider. This is someone who often feel something vital is missing from their life. They are overwhelmed and sometimes self-sabotage. It is very hard for a Five of pentacles person to ask for help.

Five of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed

Five of Pentacles tarot card reversed indicates a lack of support system. This card reversed can speak of lack of friendship. People in need are being asked to return to where they came from rather than given a chance to integrate. The organisations that are meant to help are closing down.

Five of pentacles reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Five of pentacles tarot card reversed can speak of someone with no-one they can rely on.  Five of pentacles reversed can speak of someone who needs to know there is a spiritual support in their lives. They could have been let down a lot and learned to cope on their own. They could lack the ability to let others help them. This card reversed can mean they easily feel they are a burden.

Five of pentacles tarot card meanings summary

The main issue seen in Five of pentacles is not a lack of money, but a lack of self-esteem. There is a fear of failing and being made fun of or rejected. If Five of pentacles tarot card shows up for you then it is time for you to invest in yourself. Prove to yourself that you are a success. If you BELIEVE you can, you CAN.

Five Of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Five of pentacles:

5 of pentacles + Three of wands: Sending money overseas.

5 of pentacles + Five of wands: Fighting to get by.

5 of pentacles + Ten of wands: Working more for less.

5 of pentacles + Three of cups: Poor company.

5 of pentacles + Six of cups: Unhappy childhood.

5 of pentacles + Eight of cups: Uncomfortable reality.

5 of pentacles + King of cups: A doctor.

5 of pentacles + Ace of swords: Poverty. Thinking you have to be poor.

5 of pentacles + Two of swords: Riding out the hard times.

5 of pentacles + Three of swords: Unhappy relationships.

5 of pentacles + Nine of swords: Worrying about money.

5 of pentacles + Knight of swords: Aid worker.

5 of pentacles + Six of pentacles: A Non-for-profit organisation.

5 of pentacles + Seven of pentacles: Studying. Expensive study.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles Here. 

Learn the Meanings of Five of Cups, Five of Wands, and Five of Swords

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