Hedgehog Spirit Animal

Hedgehog is represented by Two of Wands Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Hedgehog Spirit signifies enjoying life without taking things to personal. Hedgehog encourages you to follow your curiosity and start making plans. Hedgehog teaches you how to look after yourself in the big world. Hedgehog also shows up when it … Read more

Buffalo Spirit Animal

Buffalo is represented by the Magician Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Buffalo Spirit signifies having everything you need and then some. Buffalo Spirit brings abundance and gratitude, stability and emotional well-being to your life. Buffalo helps you with all kinds of mental tasks, as Buffalo represents using your head in … Read more

Butterfly Spirit Animal

Butterfly is represented by Judgement Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Butterfly Spirit signifies changes that feel like they are beyond your control. Butterfly helps you transform gracefully. Butterfly Spirit comes into your life to bring your beauty and prosperity. Butterfly helps people forgive themselves. Who you are now is not the … Read more

Lizard Spirit Animal

Lizard is represented by Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Lizard Spirit signifies the ability to manifest a new and desirable future. You are encouraged to choose the path that honours your true nature. Lizard assists in grounding you to Earth and prompting a change from the inside out, starting with … Read more

Octopus Spirit Animal

Octopus is represented by The Moon Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Octopus Spirit signifies creativity, the subconscious, and the intellect. Octopus has the ability to camouflage and become invisible. Octopus Spirit helps to bring magic and wonder to the person’s life. Octopus navigates through the most difficult and tight spaces. People … Read more

Dragonfly Spirit Animal

Dragonfly is represented by Knight of Swords Tarot Card Go back to the main Spirit animal page here.  Dragonfly Spirit connects with people drawn to the fairy realm. These people often become activists, tirelessly standing up for Nature. Dragonfly signifies the ability to be serious and light-hearted at once. Dragonfly assists people to … Read more

Orca Spirit Animal

Orca is represented by The Emperor Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Orca signifies family, stability, and security in a love relationship. Orcas mate for life. Orca Spirit watches over travelers, both through spiritual and physical journeys. Orca brings Soul Family closer together. Orca also signifies the Master teacher and communicator. Orca Medicine Spiritual … Read more

King of swords

King of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of King of swords tarot card is Perfectionism. King of swords often signifies having mastered a skill and having great success professionally. Learn more about King of swords tarot card meanings here.  King of Swords in the grand tableau King of swords in Ace of swords: Becoming … Read more

Queen of swords

Queen of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Queen of swords tarot card is Cynicism. Queen of swords often signifies work and career path, often within the legal world. Queen of swords finds work easy and personal life difficult. Learn more about Queen of swords tarot card meanings here.  … Read more

Knight of swords

Knight of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Knight of swords tarot card is Activism. Knight of swords often signifies a change in mental activity which leads to more awareness about the world around you. Knight of swords can denote fighting for what you believe in. Learn more about Knight … Read more

Page of swords

Page of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Page of swords tarot card is Natural Ability. Page of swords often signifies a talent you have been born with. Page of swords denotes a quirky and bright personality. Learn more about Page of swords tarot card meanings here.  Page of Swords in the … Read more

Nine of swords

Nine of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Nine of swords tarot card is Stress. Nine of swords also signifies negative emotions such as regrets, guilt, worry, and anxiety. Learn more about Nine of swords tarot card here.  Nine of Swords in the grand tableau Nine of swords in Ace of … Read more

Eight of swords

Eight of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Eight of swords tarot card is confusion. Eight of swords can denote being stuck without knowing how to move forward. Eight of swords can also signify difficulty with communication. Learn more about Eight of swords tarot card meanings here.  Eight of Swords in … Read more

Three of swords

Three of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Three of swords tarot card is sorrow. Three of swords can denote a need to be honest with oneself about issues causing emotional pain. Three of swords signifies a breakdown in communication between people who love each other. Learn more about … Read more

The Suit of Swords in the Grand Tableau

The Suit Of Swords In The Grand Tableau Method The swords are all about communication and how people relate to others, and how people deal with conflict and stress. A common method to look at connections between the cards is the Grand Tableau. Most people are familiar with the Grand Tableau … Read more

King of pentacles

King of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of King of pentacles tarot card is Abundance. King of pentacles denotes having mastered the physical world and signifies great wealth. Learn more about King of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  King of Pentacles in the grand tableau King of pentacles in Ace of pentacles: … Read more

Queen of pentacles

Queen of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Queen of pentacles tarot card is having a practical approach. Queen of pentacles can also denote work/home balance and the love of your family. Queen of pentacles often signifies where the heart is invested. Learn more about Queen of pentacles tarot card meanings … Read more

Knight of pentacles

Knight of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Knight of pentacles tarot card is career-change. Knight of pentacles can also denote moving house. Learn more about Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  Knight of Pentacles in the grand tableau Knight of pentacles in Ace of pentacles: A new job … Read more

Page of pentacles

Page of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Page of pentacles tarot card is student. Page of pentacles also denotes reinventing yourself. Learn more about Page of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  Page of Pentacles in the grand tableau Page of pentacles in Ace of pentacles: Financial studies, money to study. Investing … Read more

Ten of pentacles

Ten of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Ten of pentacles tarot card is inheritance. Ten of pentacles also denotes security within the original family. Ten of pentacles speaks of how you invest your money. Learn more about Ten of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  Ten of Pentacles in the … Read more

Nine of pentacles

Nine of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Nine of pentacles tarot card is luxury. Nine of pentacles denotes confidence and success. Learn more about Nine of pentacles tarot card meanings here. Nine of Pentacles in the grand tableau Nine of pentacles in Ace of pentacles: New success, new luxury. Nine of pentacles … Read more

Eight of pentacles

Eight of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of eight of pentacles tarot card is an apprentice. Eight of pentacles can denote learning a new skill and execute craftsmanship. Learn more about Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  Eight of Pentacles in the grand tableau Eight of pentacles in Ace of pentacles: … Read more

Seven of pentacles

Seven of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Seven of pentacles tarot card is vision. Seven of pentacles often denotes a long-term plan or investment that will pay off in the future. Learn more about Seven of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  Seven of Pentacles in the grand … Read more

Six of pentacles

Six of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Six of pentacles tarot card is generosity. Six of pentacles denotes being kind and caring to those who have less than you. Learn more about Six of pentacles tarot card meanings here. Six of Pentacles in the grand tableau Six of pentacles in … Read more

Five of pentacles

Five of Pentacles tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Five of pentacles tarot card is hardship. Five of pentacles can denote the seekers has poor self-esteem and feels left out and isolated. Learn more about Five of pentacles tarot card meanings here.  Five of Pentacles in the grand tableau Five … Read more