Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

ten of wands

Ten of Wands Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


Being burdened with work and responsibilities.

Being task-oriented.


Making other people happy instead of themselves.

Working hard.


Buckle under pressure.

Throwing it all in.

Avoiding responsibility.

Ten of wands tarot card meanings upright

Ten of wands in a general reading

Ten of Wands is the tarot card for hard work and taking on more responsibility. This is the card for more challenging projects and the Seeker could be the perfect person for the task ahead. Sometimes the Seeker is feeling burned out and weight down when this card is appearing. They only see the wood for trees. Ten of wands tarot card often shows up when the seeker is unable to say no, and people are taking advantage.

Ten of wands in the Vision Quest

He is moving towards a building in the background. The buildings speaks of the Seeker’s mind and he is possibly preparing for another vision quest. Rather than just holding one wand as seen in Ace of wands, he is now able to carry ten wands. This can speak of his progress.

He is moving towards a building in the background. The buildings speaks of the Seeker’s mind and he is possibly preparing for another vision quest. Rather than just holding one wand as seen in Ace of wands, he is now able to carry ten wands. This speaks of his progress.

Ten of wands in a love reading

In a love reading, Ten of wands tarot card can signify a high-maintenance relationship, or that the seeker is putting work first. If the Seeker is single, this card can mean they are trying to figure out what they want in a relationship. This card can mean the Seeker is focusing on work rather than relationship at the time of the reading.

Ten of wands in a career reading

In a career reading, Ten of wands tarot card signifies working on more challenging projects. This is the card for the Project Manager. The Seeker could feel they are under a lot of work demands when this card shows up. It is likely they feel very responsible for the work that they do.

Ten of wands as feelings

Ten of Wands is a card that often represents a person who is carrying a heavy burden. This card may indicate that the person has been carrying the weight of a past relationship or emotional baggage from previous experiences. The Seeker could feel they are under a lot of emotional strain.

The Seeker could feel they have a lot of responsibilities when this card speaks of feelings. They feel they are unable to say no. They could feel they have to help everyone.

If the Ten of Wands speaks of feelings, they may be attracted to strength and stability. They may seek those who can help lighten their load and support them through difficult times. However, they may also need to learn to let go of some of their emotional baggage before they can fully open up and embrace a new day.

Overall, Ten of wands speaks of feeling very responsible for everyone in their life. They could feel alone in dealing with life’s challenges. It tends to be hard for them to accept help.

Ten of Wands as Personality types

Ten of wands people tend to be the ones that will help everyone but they don’t always receive any help in return. They often blame themselves unnecessary if things go wrong. They are skilled at what they do and they are drawn to work that is more challenging. They like to be able to do things that are difficult.

Ten of Wands tarot card meanings reversed

Ten of Wands tarot card reversed indicates a fear of responsibilities. This card often shows up when the seeker has lost motivation to do hard work. They might not see the meaning of it anymore and want to invest their energies elsewhere.

Ten of Wands reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Ten of wands reversed as a person denotes someone who is afraid of being judged. It can denote someone who needs to be more organised.

Ten of wands tarot card meanings summary

Ten of wands tarot card can mean the Seeker is hiding behind a role, a work commitment, or a uniform. It might even be what you are currently doing only it has taken over too much of your life. You might need more support in your life. No man is an island.

Ten Of Wands Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Ten of wands:

10 of wands + The Magician: Working hard to prove yourself. 

10 of wands + The High Priestess: A demanding female boss. 

10 of wands + The Empress: Trying to please everyone.

10 of wands + The Hermit: Being at the top of an organisation. 

10 of wands + The Hanged Man: Working hard behind the scenes making everyone else look good. 

10 of wands + The Star: Working hard for a better future. 

10 of wands + The World: Being in a demanding work role. 

10 of wands + Two of cups: A high-maintenance relationship. 

10 of wands + Three of cups: A demanding friendship. 

10 of wands + Seven of cups: Spreading yourself too thin. 

10 of wands + Eight of cups: Working hard to make your dreams come true. 

10 of wands + King of cups: Working hard for success. 

10 of wands + Ace of pentacles: Being money-oriented. 

10 of wands + Two of pentacles: Working hard without getting where you want. 

10 of wands + Five of pentacles: Working hard to get out of financial difficulties. 

10 of wands + Seven of pentacles: Long term work. 

10 of wands + Knight of pentacles: Walking away from a bad work situation. 

10 of wands + King of pentacles: Middle management. 

10 of wands + Two of swords: Staying out of office politics. 

10 of wands + Five of swords: Being taken advantage of at work. Being bullied at work. 

10 of wands + Eight of swords: Stuck in a work routine. 

10 of wands + Queen of swords: Being married to your work. 

10 of wands + Two of wands: Working hard in a leadership position. 

10 of wands + Four of wands: Working hard for your community. 

10 of wands + Eight of wands: Working hard and playing hard. 

10 of wands + Nine of wands: Being pushed to the limits at work. 

10 of wands + King of wands: A hard-working business owner. 

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Here.

Learn the Meanings of Ten of CupsTen of Pentacles, and Ten of Swords. 

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