
pPerthro Elder Futhark Rune Meaning

Perthro is the sixth rune of the 2nd aett. The elder futhark is the oldest of the runic alphabets. It consists of 24 letters divided into 3 aetts. There are 8 runes in each aett. The 2nd aett is called Hells aett.

Perthro upright ~ The unknown, surprise, playtime, unexpected event, luck, oblivion, guessing, gambling, mysteries, divination, akashic records, forces of the universe, the unborn and nameless. 

Perthro reversed ~ Loneliness, stagnation, addictions, disappointments, guilty secrets, disheartening results. 

Perthro means unknown.

Associated deity from the mythology: Frigga, the Weavers, the Seer in Voluspa. 

f fu uth,þ þa ar rk kg gw wh hn ni ij jï,ei ïp pz zs st tb be em ml lŋ ŋd do o

The Mythology of Perthro

Frigga is the goddess of beauty, love, and marriage. Frigga is the wife of Odin and the mother of Baldur. She was known as ‘a seer’ and a weaver of fates.

The Meaning of Perhtro.

Perthro means unknown, playtime, divination, and gambling. This rune speaks of unexpected changes which the Seeker is most likely happy to embrace. When Perthro shows up, the answer is in the recreational pursuits. This will lift and shift the energy so that the Seeker can begin to move forward. There is more fun to be had. The wisdom in Perhtro is to know what you can change and what you have to accept.

Perthro rune meanings on a rune cloth

Water ~ Unexpected and unknown feelings arise/surfaces.

Fire ~ A new career path emerges.  

Earth ~ Holiday.

Air ~ Word of mouth brings you success.